
Scenic view across the river Main

Isn’t is located in a magic place, our camping ground Ankergrund? Moreover, thanks to the fair-weather corridor, it benefits from considerable more sunshine. It’s a fact that this inspires your mood and atmosphere a lot, making your vacation a real recreation. Try it out!

Umsäumt wird unser Campingplatz von fränkischen Weinbergen und zu kulturellen Highlights wie der Wallfahrtskirche „Maria im Weingarten“ und dem Weltkulturerbeder UNESCO, der Würzburger Residenz, ist es nur ein Katzensprung.

A ten-minute walk gets you to the center of the lovely town of Volkach waiting to be explored. Discover the numerous sights of the town’s historic center, and delve into our local culture with its numerous wine and vintner festivals. Forget about time at this idyllic spot – gather shells with the kids, go fishing, or simply relax in the shadow of the ancient trees on the river Main. Unwind and relax, and sense the sun and the water. Enjoy the magnificent sunsets over a glass of delicious Franconian wine, straight from your pitch!

Treat yourself to lighthearted and relaxing days at the river Main loop near Volkach – as wellbeing creates wellness.

View over the river Main

Grapevine in Volkach

“St. Mary in the Vineyards”

Campingplatz Ankergrund GmbH

Managing Director: Tanja Herlitz

Fahrer Str. 7, D – 97332 Volkach